The 4 Part Professional Reiki Session (PRS)

Part 1

Preparing for the preofessional reiki sesssion.

From an energetic standpoint, the PRS preparations begin when the appointment is made, which sends the message and the intention to the Universe.

On the day of the session, I carefully prepare the healing space and myself before the recipient’s arrival. In addition to practical considerations, my preparations include an energetic cleansing of the healing space (and myself) with the power symbol and the use of crystal singing bowls. However, a simple intention to clear and cleanse the space with Reiki is also effective, as is any other method that resonates with the practitioner.

The next step is the invocation on behalf of the client/recipient. With hands in the Gassho position, an intention is set for the recipient’s deep healing and blessing, as well as intending that ego, personality, expectations, and challenges step aside so that I may be a clear and pure channel for Reiki. The assistance of spirit guides, and Reiki guides is invited and welcomed, and an expression of gratitude is offered for their guidance, support, comfort, and love. I also affirm that the healing space is a place of peace, love, light, and joy, and welcomes only those fully in the Light.

The length of the Professional Reiki Session is 1 to 2.5 hours, depending on the session selected. For scheduling purposes, I allow 1 hour between sessions. During this time, I hold the safe space of unconditional caring and acceptance throughout, as Reiki surrounds and envelops us.

Once the preparations are complete, the actual Professional Reiki Session begins upon the person’s arrival, and consists of three components:

·       Pre-session intake/discussion – 15/30 minutes

·       Reiki treatment – approximately 30/60 minutes

·       Post-session processing – 15/30 minutes

Part 2

The Pre-session Intake and Discussion

The pre-session begins when the recipient arrives at the healing space. The individual is greeted at the door, warmly welcomed, and invited into the healing area. New clients then complete and sign a brief intake form, which includes basic identifying information and a standard disclaimer about confidentiality and the scope of the Reiki treatment. Existing clients may be asked if any updates are needed in their information.

The pre-session conversation begins when the paperwork is complete. During this time, I review and discuss the intake form with the client, asking questions as needed to clarify information. This is an essential component of the Professional Reiki Session (PRS), as it sets the tone for the remainder of the session. In my experience, most individuals have some degree of apprehension when they arrive for the Reiki session. This is particularly true of new clients, or those unfamiliar with Reiki. Therefore, spending time with the person before the treatment is invaluable for relaxing the recipient and ensuring their comfort with the process and the practitioner.

The flow of the pre-session discussion is informal, relaxed, and conversational; this helps the person feel comfortable as it creates a rapport with the practitioner, and this style is also the most comfortable for me. Without prying, I also inquire about the individual’s goals and/or desires for the session. For example, what is their main concern at this time? What prompted them to seek a Reiki treatment? How are they feeling – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually? What would they like to share that may be of help for the session?

The next step is to explain the procedure for a Reiki treatment fully. I ask if there are any remaining questions or concerns, and the person is offered a bathroom break. Attention to practical matters ensures the comfort of all concerned!

Part 3

The Reiki Treatment

The Reiki treatment begins with the person lying comfortably on this/her back on the Reiki table. A bolster is placed under the knees, to alleviate any tension or strain on the lower back, and a light blanket to cover the individual if they choose it. After ensuring the person’s comfort, I invite the client to silently set an intention for the session, if they wish to do so. At this time, I repeat the initial intention for deep healing and blessing of the client, and also silently invoke the assistance of my guides, especially those with whom I work consistently. Soft healing music plays throughout, lights are dimmed, herbal essence diffuser for aromatherapy, and candles burn gently, enhancing the atmosphere of peace and calm.

When the person is comfortably positioned on the table, I place my hands lightly on the recipient’s shoulders as Reiki begins to flow. The individual is asked to take a few long, slow, deep breaths, breathing in love and light on the inhale, and breathing out pain, tension, and worry on the exhale. In my experience, I can usually discern a decrease in tension and stress after a few moments of this brief relaxation procedure. I quietly advise the client to “relax, open yourself to the energies, and let Reiki do what it does best.”  

Thus, begins the active portion of the Reiki treatment, which includes:

  • ·       The Energetic Scan

  • ·       Opening the Soles of the Feet

  • ·       Placing Crystals

  • ·       Intuitive Hand Positions

  • ·       Grounding and Closing Soles of Feet

  • ·       Balance the Chakras

  • ·       Chakra Testing with a Pendulum

  •  Sealing the Healing with Selenite Wand·      

  • ·       Expressing Gratitude

The Energetic Scan

The Reiki treatment begins with the Energetic, or Byosen scan. This technique identifies areas most in need of healing and provides a baseline of energetic information. It also creates a field of healing energy in the aura, which enhances the flow of Reiki throughout the session.

The scan is conducted by placing my non-dominant hand above the person’s Crown chakra, focusing intent on discerning areas most in need of healing. I slowly move the hand down the person’s body a few inches above the physical form and continue down to the feet, taking note of the areas that feel different in some way. This technique also helps me to receive a clear sense of the individual’s overall energy field at the beginning of the Reiki treatment, providing a basis of comparison at the end.

Opening the Soles of the Feet

The next step is to energetically open the soles of the feet. This is to expedite the clearing of incompatible energies during the Reiki session.

This technique involves drawing the CKR (Power Symbol) over each sole and then sweeping the energy field with the intent to release and remove the energies that no longer serve, that are incompatible with the person’s path, and/or those energies not in accordance with the Highest Good. I further intend that these energies be sent to the Light to be cleansed, purified, and transmuted.

The soles remain open during the Reiki session so Reiki’s healing energy can efficiently release unhealthy energies. This technique has been very effective, with most clients reporting a sense of movement and release along with feeling “lighter”.

It is essential to close what has been energetically opened, and I take care to close the person’s soles near the end of the Reiki treatment, during Grounding.

Placing Crystals

The use of Crystals in a Reiki session creates a synergistic healing effect.

The crystals are placed on and around the client after the soles are opened, and generally remain in place for the duration, although some may be moved or replaced as per my guidance.

The amount, type, and configuration of crystals depend on several factors, which are beyond the scope of this article, and is a highly intuitive process for the Reiki Professional who chooses to work with them. Reiki guided me to work with crystals in my healing practice, and I have done so from the beginning. However, please remember that Reiki guides us to work with it in the way that is right for each of us as individuals.

Intuitive Hand Placements

Once the crystals are in place, I begin channeling Reiki through the hand placements and positions, traditionally regarded as the primary part of a Reiki treatment.

I begin with Gassho and become comfortable so that all the energy can go into the healing. Sometimes I will focus on certain positions, other times I will use all the basic hand positions. When I do all the basic hand positions, it is like giving the body a multivitamin and I have covered all the bases letting the body decide what it needs.

Several of the hand positions are near major chakras. This is where Reiki is most easily absorbed and distributed throughout the physical and energetic bodies. For a general session, I keep my hands on each position for 2 to 5 minutes spending a little more time in an area the client pointed out as needing attention.

I may feel more sensation in areas of unprocessed emotion, physical pain, old injuries, etc, I work here a little longer. I also may find areas of the body with positive excessive energy. People who meditate regularly have an abundance of energy in the crown chakra. Reiki can help to dispense this to the areas in need of energy. This will bring the client into balance. It is a good indication that the process has been made if I stop feeling or sensing the energy, and then I move on.

Moving from position to position slowly and gently. I try not to cross my arms or legs as this can inhibit the energy flow. If a client begins to release emotions or recall memories, I simply hold space for them, let them know they are safe, listen compassionately, and continue to give Reiki. If there is another practitioner, I feel could be a benefit to them I share that information after the session.

A recipiant may be experiencing a flareup from a past injury. If this happens, I encourage them to keep breathing and let them know that important healing is taking place. The discomfort will pass an it will be well worth it.

I don’t worry, or hold expectations on the session simply being present with love is a powerful thing.

Grounding, and Closing the Soles of the Feet

A Reiki Professional is aware of the importance of grounding in a Reiki session, and Reiki has worked with me to develop an effective grounding practice.

I lightly hold or touch the person’s feet, with the intent to ground and return the individual fully into the physical body. I then offer a Grounding and Cleansing Affirmation on behalf of the client, intending that he/she be “Grounded to Mother Earth, Connected to Spirit, and Centered in the Heart.” This affirmation also serves to release and remove unhealthy energies that may still remain.

Once the grounding is complete, the soles of the feet are energetically closed. I again draw the Distance and Power Symbols on each sole and tap each one three times, intending that the energies of the symbols remain in the auric field for grounding, protection, and empowerment.

Balancing the Chakras

At the end of a Professional Reiki Session, the client’s primary chakras are usually quite balanced.

Each chakra is balanced individually with its polar opposite, which brings the upper and lower chakras into harmony with each other. A balance among all the chakras is essential for wellness.

To balance the chakras, I begin with the intention to balance and clear each of the chakras. My left hand hovers above the Root chakra and the right hand hovers above the Crown, until it feels complete. My left hand then hovers above the Sacral chakra, and the right is placed above the Third Eye, again until it feels complete. The left hand moves to the Solar Plexus chakra, and the right hand is placed above the Throat chakra, until balanced. The final position is with both hands “stacked” over the Heart chakra, which balances the energies of the upper and lower chakras. This is held until balance is achieved, usually no more than several seconds.

Sealing the Healing with a Selenite Wand

When the chakras are balanced, I seal the healing in and around the auric field.

Beginning above the client’s head, I gently sweep the wand down the left side, below the feet, and then up the right side. I then draw the wand down the center of the auric field, up and down several times, as I silently repeat, “I seal this healing in love and light.”  This procedure evokes a feeling of deep peace and calm, for myself and the client. It is a lovely way to conclude a healing session.

Testing the Chakras with a Pendulum

The final step in the Reiki treatment before rousing the client is to test the chakras with a pendulum.

Prior to beginning this, I remove any crystals from the client, so their energy does not interfere with the chakra reading. The pendulum is held in my dominant hand approximately 6 inches above the physical body. I ask the pendulum to show me the chakra in question, and after a few moments, it will respond to the chakra’s energy and begin to move in a circular motion. As a RP, I look for a healthy spin, not too fast or slow, and an arc that is neither a tight circle nor a wide swooping orbit. Additionally, it is important that all seven primary chakras have a similar spin and arc, which indicates balance. Occasionally, a chakra may require additional Reiki to achieve balance, but in my experience, this is the exception rather than the rule.

Expressing Gratitude (and Rousing the Client)

To formally conclude the session, I draw the Power Symbol over the person’s Solar Plexus chakra while silently stating, “You are deeply healed and blessed by the power of Reiki.”

I bring my hands to Gassho and express gratitude for this sacred gift and the opportunity to spread healing in the world.

I then lightly touch the client’s shoulder to bring him/her back and allow some time for the person to fully return. Some individuals require more time than others, and I allow this to unfold naturally, without rushing it.

After the client has sufficiently roused from the session, he/she is invited to take a seat in a chair, sip some water, and have a piece (or two) of good-quality chocolate. Chocolate is very grounding, which provides a great reason to eat it!

Part 4

Post-session Processing

This component of the post-session focuses on the client’s experience, addressing questions or concerns, and sharing information and impressions received by myself during the session. It also serves to ensure that the client is fully grounded and present before leaving the healing space.

I usually begin the Post-session by asking how the person is feeling and asking if a bathroom break is needed. After the client has had a few moments to collect their thoughts, drink some water and nibble on chocolate, I ask if he/she would like to share the experience with me, and if there are any questions or concerns about the session. As they describe the Reiki session from their perspective, I continue to hold the space of unconditional caring and acceptance.

When the client has had the opportunity to share and ask questions, I then provide information about my experience during the session. I frequently describe the quality of the energy, in terms of how it felt from my perspective, as well as any colors or images that came to me. Also, I sometimes receive information from my spiritual team that is meant for the client; on these occasions they are quite insistent that I pass it along. The information is always loving and supportive, and clients are delighted to know that they are so deeply cared for by Spirit.

Finally, the client is asked if there are any other questions about the session. I also advise the person to take extra care over the next few days, and to drink more water, eat wholesome foods, and get additional rest, if possible. The client is also asked to contact me with any new questions or concerns.

After the person’s departure, I wash my hands and energetically clear myself. The healing space is physically tidied; the Reiki table linens are replaced with clean ones, crystals are cleansed, and any debris or trash is removed. The healing space is then energetically cleared by visualizing the Power symbol in the center of the room, with the intention that it remove all incompatible energies, and send them to the Light.

The Professional Reiki Session is now complete, and I am ready to receive the next client!

Final thoughts

By remaining open to Reiki’s loving and unerring guidance, we will continue to elevate and develop this extraordinary gift. I believe, being present, prepared, and professional are necessary elements for this successful evolution.